Pagure Dist Git Interactions With Fedora Notifications

Fedora Messaging Notifier is a family of systems to manage end-user notifications triggered by Fedora Messaging and it provides a single place for all applications using Fedora Messaging to notify users of events.

Possible Interactions

The following are a set of documented interactions possible between Pagure Dist Git and Fedora Notifications.

Artifact Details

  • Fedora Notifications receives information about the permissions related to a certain asset (which can be a package) from Pagure Dist Git. It receives information about the assets (which can be a package) that a user or a group has access to.

  • Fedora Notifications provide its users with artifact details via an HTTP GET endpoint that it retrieves from Pagure Dist Git. For more information, please check the function definition provided here.

  • The inputs required by the Fedora Notifications service to perform this operation are name patterns of artifacts to be returned, name of the users whose artifacts are to be returned, and name of the groups whose artifacts are to be returned.

  • This endpoint makes use of a FastAPI dependency called get_distgit_proxy, more information related to which can be found here.

The PagureAsyncProxy class

  • The URL of the existing Pagure Dist Git production deployment is referenced here to instantiate an object of type PagureAsyncProxy class. For more information, please check the method definition provided here.

  • The method definition for determining the next page parameters is provided here. This is extensively used for recursively navigating through the Pagure Dist Git API results.

  • The method definition for retrieving project details is provided here. This is dependent on the values provided for the namespace, pattern, username and owner parameters.

  • The method definition for retrieving project details associated with a certain user is provided here. This is dependent on the values provided for the username parameter.

  • The method definition for retrieving project details associated with a certain project is provided here. This is dependent on the values for the name parameter.

  • The method definition for retrieving user details associated with a certain project is provided here. This is dependent on the values provided for the project_path parameter.

  • The method definition for retrieving group details associated with a certain project is provided here. This is dependent on the values provided for the project_path parameter.

Changes proposed

In order to switch out Pagure Dist Git for an alternative that provides a relatively compatible API pattern, the following changes must be made in the placed mentioned below.


  • The Pagure Dist Git URL production deployment URL would have to change to point towards the production deployment URL of the alternative. This method definition is where the URL is formatted to point towards the API.

  • The method get_api_url has to be redefined depending on what the URL pattern is for the alternative place where we move Pagure Dist Git assets to. Here is the method definition of where the changes need to be made.


  • The APIClient class that is inherited by the PagureAsyncProxy class is agnostic to the place where the assets are hosted so changing over from Pagure Dist Git to an alternative would not necessitate a reworking while checking for compatibilities is strongly recommended. The method definition can be found here.