Fedora Badges
Fedora Badges is a service that grants virtual accolades for milestones and completing tasks within the Fedora Project community. For example, a community member may collect badges for testing package updates on Bodhi when they test 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 updates.
Community members can also gather badges for attending events, or other badges that are arbitrarily granted by users of the service, such as the badge the Fedora Project Leader can grant whenever they want to.
It appears that Fedora Badges was initially designed closely in step with Open Badges which now has become Badgr. As far as we can tell, the idea was previously to be able to export Fedora Badges into Mozilla Backpack (or now, Badgr Backpack) but this export facility was either never implemented or deployed.
At some point in time, there also appears to have been an free and open source implementation of the Badgr server itself, which may have been a solution to replace the Fedora Badges setup, but this project is either no longer available or set to be private on GitHub, so it is not known what it was or is. For now, Badgr is just a service that allows users to collate their badges from different issues into their “backpack”.
Having explored both the options (i.e. of rewriting the project that consitute the system from ground up and of revitalizing the existing codebase), we have come to a conclusion that it makes a lot more sense to inherit and expand upon the methodologies employed in the current codebase but implement the same from groundup in a new functional rewrite.
Proposed roadmap
Step 1 - Understand the project remit of the system to decide on the scope
Step 2 - Get started with creating/inheriting the database schema for users
Step 3 - Dump a snapshot of the existing database according to the new schema
Step 4 - Brainstorm and document the interactions expected with the system
Step 5 - Connect with the Fedora Design team to begin with the mockup designs
Step 6 - Develop and document the Messages Consumer alongside Accolades API
Step 7 - Test both against the dumped database and the existing Collection
Step 8 - Develop and document the Accolades CLI and test its functionality
Step 9 - Build Liberation frontend alongside the Fedora Websites & Apps Team
Step 10 - Document and Test the frontend against the above mentioned entities
Step 11 - Deploy and document the system on STAGING with the Fedora Infra team
Step 12 - Release Accolades CLI as a Python package on PyPI and as RPM
Step 13 - Announce public testing invites for the staging deployment
Step 14 - Announce deprecation status for the existing Fedora Badges system
Step 15 - Migrate database changes continually to keep up with the changes
Step 16 - Switch the environment to production and… PROFIT?
Of course, there are and will be more things to account for than what meets the eye but from a Mount Everest high perspective - these are the steps we would want to suggest in the roadmap.
Estimate of work
Being a remake of a system with multiple internal entities working together, it is estimated for the system to take at least 4 quarters to hit the staging environment and 1 more quarter to make it to the production one.