Monitoring / Metrics with Prometheus

For deployment, we used combination for configuration of prometheus operator and application-monitoring operator.

Beware, most of the deployment notes could be mostly obsolete in really short time. The POC was done on OpenShift 3.11, which limited us in using older version of prometheus operator, as well as the no longer maintained application-monitoring operator.

In openshift 4.x that we plan to use in the near future, there is supported way integrated in the openshift deployment:

The supported stack is more limited, especially w.r.t. adding user defined pod- and service-monitors, but even if we would want to run additional prometheus instances, we should be able to skip the instalation of the necessary operators, as all of them should already be present.

Notes on operator deployment

Operator pattern is often used with kubernetes and openshift for more complex deployments. Instead of applying all of the configuration to deploy your services, you deploy a special, smaller service called operator, that has necessary permissions to deploy and configure the complex service. Once the operator is running, instead of configuring the service itself with service-specific config-maps, you create operator specific kubernetes objects, so-alled CRDs.

The deployment of the operator in question was done by configuring the CRDs, roles and rolebinding and operator setup:

The definitions are as follows: - - -

Once the operator is correctly running, you just define a prometheus crd and it will create prometheus deployment for you.

The POC lives in

Notes on application monitoring operator deployment

The application-monitoring operator was created to solve the integration of Prometheus, Alertmanager and Grafana. After you configure it, it configures the relevant operators responsible for these services.

The most interesting difference between configuring this shared operator, compared to configuring these operators individually is that it configures some of the integrations, and it integrates well with openshifts auth system through oauth proxy.

The biggest drawback is, that the application-monitoring operator is orphanned project, but because it mostly configures other operators, it is relatively simple to just recreate the configuration for both prometheus and alertmanager to be deployed, and deploy the prometheus and alertmanager operators without the help or the application-monitoring operator.

Notes on persistence

Prometheus by default expects to have a writable /prometheus folder, that can serve as persistent storage.

For the persistent volume to work for this purpose, it has to needs to have POSIX-compliant filesystem, and NFS we currently have configured is not. This is discussed in the operational aspects of Prometheus documentation

The easiest supported way to have a POSIX-compliant filesystem is to setup local-storage in the cluster.

In 4.x versions of OpenShift there is a local-storage-operator for this purpose.

This is the simplest way to have working persistence, but it prevents us to have multiple instanes across openshift nodes, as the pod is using the underlying filesystem on the node.

To ask the operator to create persisted prometheus, you specify in its configuration i.e.:

        retention: 24h
        storageClassName: local
                storage: 10Gi

By default retention is set to 24 hours and can be over-ridden

Notes on long term storage

Usually, prometheus itself is setup to store its metrics for shorter ammount of time, and it is expected that for longterm storage and analysis, there is some other storage solution, such as influxdb or timescaledb.

We are currently running a POC that sychronizes Prometheus with Timescaledb (running on Postgresql) through a middleware service called promscale .

Promscale just needs an access to a appropriate postgresql database: and can be configured through PROMSCALE_DB_PASSWORD, PROMSCALE_DB_HOST.

By default it will ensure the database has timescaledb installed and configures its database automatically.

We setup prometheus with directive to use promscale service as a backend:

- url: "http://promscale:9201/write"
- url: "http://promscale:9201/read"

Notes on auxialiary services

As prometheus is primarily targeted to collect metrics from services that have beein instrumented to expose them, if your service is not instrumented, or it is not a service, i.e. a batch-job, you need an adapter to help you with the metrics collection.

There are two services that help with this.

  • blackbox exporter to monitor services that have not been instrumented based on querying public a.p.i.

  • push gateway that helps collect information from batch-jobs

Maintaining the push-gateway can be relegated to the application developer, as it is lightweight, and by colloecting metrics from the namespace it is running in, the data will be correctly labeled.

With blackbox exporter, it can be beneficial to have it running as prometheus side-car, in simmilar fashion, as we configure oauth-proxy, adding this to the containers section of the prometheus definition:

- name: blackbox-exporter
    - name: configmap-blackbox
      mountPath: /etc/blackbox-config
    - mountPath: /etc/tls/private
      name: secret-prometheus-k8s-tls
    - '--config.file=/etc/blackbox-config/blackbox.yml'
    - containerPort: 9115
      name: blackbox

We can then instruct what is to be monitored through the configmap-blackbox, you can find relevant examples <> in the project repo. Beause blackox exporter is in the same pod, we need to use the additional-scrape-config to add it in.

Notes on alerting

Prometheus as is, can have rules configured that trigger alerts, once a specific query evaluates to true. The definition of the rule is explained in the companion docs for prometheus for developers and can be created in the namespace of the running application.

Here, we need to focus what happens with alert after prometheus realizes it should fire it, based on a rule.

In prometheus crd definition, there is a section about the alert-manager that is supposed to manage the forwarding of these alerts.

    - bearerTokenFile: /var/run/secrets/
      name: alertmanager-service
      namespace: application-monitoring
      port: web
      scheme: https
        caFile: /var/run/secrets/
        serverName: alertmanager-service.application-monitoring.svc

We already have alertmanager running and configured by the alertmanager-operator. Alertmanager itself is really simplistic with a simple ui and api, that allows for silencing an alert for a given ammount of time.

It is expected that the actual user-interaction is happening elsewhere, either through services like OpsGenie, or through i.e. integration with zabbix

More of a build-it yourself solution is to use i.e., but we haven’t tried any of these as the part of our POC.

To be able to be notified of the alert, you need to have the correct reciever configuration in the alertmanagers secret:

  resolve_timeout: 5m
  group_by: ['job']
  group_wait: 10s
  group_interval: 10s
  repeat_interval: 30m
  receiver: 'email'
- name: 'email'
  - to: ''