Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a list of questions and answers that should help you get start with monitoring with zabbix and prometheus.

How do I access zabbix?

  1. First obtain Kerberos ticket with kinit:

$ kinit myusername@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
Password for myusername@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG:
  1. Login to to see dashboard

  2. If you need to be added in special privilege group (to see specific systems metrics), Open a PR in <path-to-inventory> with your FAS id in the list under the group and ask sysadmin of that groups to +1.

How do I access zabbix when I’m a community member?

  1. First obtain Kerberos ticket with kinit:

$ kinit myusername@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG
Password for myusername@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG:
  1. Login to to see guest/public dashboard

How do I access Prometheus?

Prometheus is running in the application monitoring namespace, standard routing applies, i.e.:

To access it you need to have account in the openshift it is running in.

How do I access Prometheus when I’m a community member?

You shouldn’t access prometheus directly, unless you are maintaining an application in openshift.

Data from prometheus can be exported and viewed in Grafana or Zabbix, meaning we can give access to a more limited public view through dashboards in one of these.

Do you have a 5 minutes guide on how to use prometheus?

In other words, do you have some how-tos/links I should read to understand/get started with prometheus?

How do I get basic HW (disk, cpu, memory, network…) monitoring for a host?

There are out of the box template for most of basic monitoring requirement that can be seen on the web UI once you run the zabbix-agent-role against the node. if you want to send any custom metrics, we recommend zabbix-sender. Zabbix sender is a command line utility that may be used to send performance data to zabbix server for processing. Adding the zabbix sender command in crontab is one way of continuously sending data to server that can processed on server side (in your web UI). See

How do I monitor a list of services?

  • and src.fp.o have two different list of services to monitor

    they partly overlap but aren’t exactly the same, how can I monitor them?

  • For prometheus, metrics exported are usually done by instrumentation, meaning if i.e. pagure was instrumented to export /metrics endpoint, you just need to make sure you are collecting them, either because they run in openshift, and you configured appropriate ServiceMonitor or PodMonitor objects, or if outside of openshift, it is in additional scrape configuration of prometheus. Because collected metrics are labeled, it is simple to distinguish which belong where.

  • For Zabbix, if you want to send any custom metrics, we recommend zabbix-sender. Zabbix sender is a command line utility that may be used to send performance data to zabbix server for processing. Adding the zabbix sender command in crontab is one way of continuously sending data to server that can processed on server side (in your web UI). See

How do I get alerted for a service not running?

How can I tune the alerts?

As in, who gets alerted? When? How?

How do I ask for the service to be restarted <X> times before being alerted?

  • In prometheus you can’t. It is assumed you are using kubernetes that would manage something like this for you.

  • In zabbix, <TODO>, you can do events based on triggers and there are event correlation options but yet to figure out this customization

How do I monitor rabbitmq queues?

How do we alert about checks not passing to people outside of our teams?

-> the OSCI team is interesting in having notifications/monitoring for the CI

queues in rabbitmq

How can we chain a prometheus instance to ours?

This allows to consolidate in a single instance monitoring coming from different instances. This can be done with configuring federation in additional scrape configs:

How can I monitor the performances of my application?

Number of requests served? Number of 500 errors? Number of DB connections?

With prometheus, you need to instrument your application and configure prometheus t collect its metrics.

How do I ack an alert so it stops alerting?

With prometheus and Alertmanager, there is no way to just ACK an alert, it is assumed that something more high-level like opsgenie would take care of actually interacting with regular human ops people.

For small enough teams, just using silence on alert in alertmanager could be enough.

There is a sidecar that serves to provide a little bit more features to the barebones alerting. like

How do I pre-emptively stop a check before I start working on an outage?

In other words: I know that I’ll cause an outage while working on <service>, how do I turn off the checks for this service to avoid notifying admins while I’m working on it?

In Prometheus and Alertmanager there are Silences, where you can set a time when certain alerts wouldn’t be firing. You are able to create and remove these through rest api,

  • In Zabbix, simplest way is to stop zabbix agent (or custom sender) on the system and ack on server side that it’s not reachable.