Pagure Dist Git Interactions With Fedora Messaging

Fedora Messaging provides tools and APIs to make using Fedora Project’s messaging infrastructure easier. These include a framework for declaring message schemas, a set of asynchronous APIs to consume messages, and services to easily run consumers.

Interaction Dependencies

Fedora Messaging makes use of the following dependencies to interact with and understand interactions made with Pagure Dist Git.

Pagure Messages

In order for Fedora Messaging to comprehend the messages emitted from Pagure, it requires a helper library called Pagure Messages. This package is distributed in the official Fedora Project repositories here. and on PyPI here. It is important to note that at the time of writing this investigation, the former seems to be in an unmaintained state and the last update i.e. v0.0.6 was created around two years back. The PyPI releases are fairly up-to-date with the most recent release i.e. v1.1.0 being created around four months back.

Possible Interactions

The following are a set of documented interactions possible between Pagure Dist Git and Fedora Messaging.


The messages in this category follow the topic name pattern pagure.project.*.

Creation of a project

Whenever a new project is created on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing of a project

Whenever an existing project is edited on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.edit is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Forking of a project

Whenever an existing project is forked on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.forked is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deleting of a project

Whenever an existing project is removed from either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.deleted is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding a group to a project

Whenever access is provided to a group for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deleting a group from a project

Whenever access is revoked from a group for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Updating a group on a project

Whenever access is updated to a group for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing a tag on a project

Whenever tags are edited for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.tag.edited is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deleting a tag on a project

Whenever tags are deleted from a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.tag.removed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Updating a user to a project

Whenever access is updated to a user for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.user.access.updated is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding a user to a project

Whenever access is provided to a user for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.user.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deleting a user from a project

Whenever access is revoked from a user for a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.project.user.removed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.


The messages in this category follow the topic name pattern pagure.git.*.

Creation of a branch

Whenever a new branch is created on a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.git.branch.creation is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deletion of a branch

Whenever an existing branch is deleted on a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.git.branch.deletion is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Reception of commits

Whenever a set of commits are pushed to an existing branch in a repository on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.git.receive is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Creation of a tag

Whenever a new tag is created on a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.git.tag.creation is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Deletion of a tag

Whenever an existing tag is deleted on a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.git.tag.deletion is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.


The messages in this category follow the topic name pattern pagure.issue.*.

Please note that these are not used in Pagure Dist Git as the Issues tab in Pagure Dist Git points to the Bugzilla page related to the said package.

Adding assignment to an issue ticket

Whenever an assignment is added to an existing issue ticket on a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.assigned.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing assignment from an issue ticket

Whenever an assignment is removed from an existing issue ticket on a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.assigned.reset is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Comment added to an issue ticket

Whenever a comment is added to an existing issue ticket on a project present on either Pagure and Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.comment.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding dependency to an issue ticket

Whenever a dependency is added to an existing issue ticket on a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.dependency.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing dependency from an issue ticket

Whenever a dependency is removed from an existing issue ticket from a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.dependency.removed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing an issue ticket

Whenever an existing issue ticket is removed from a project present on either Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.drop is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing an issue ticket

Whenever an existing issue ticket is edited on a project present on either Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.edit is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Creating an issue ticket

Whenever a new issue ticket is created on a project present on either Pagure or , the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding label to an issue ticket

Whenever labels are added to an existing issue ticket is created on a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.tag.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing label from an issue ticket

Whenever labels are removed from an existing issue ticket is created on a project present on Pagure, the message of schema topic pagure.issue.tag.removed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Pull Requests

The messages in this category follow the topic name pattern pagure.pull-request.*.

Adding a pull request assignee

Whenever an assignee is added to an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.assigned.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing a pull request assignee

Whenever an assignee is removed from an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.assigned.reset is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Closing a pull request

Whenever an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is closed, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.closed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding a comment on a pull request

Whenever a comment is added to an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is closed, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.comment.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing a comment on a pull request

Whenever a comment is edited on an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is closed, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.comment.edited is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding a flag on a pull request

Whenever a flag is added to an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is closed, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.flag.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Updating a flag on a pull request

Whenever a flag is updated on an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is closed, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.flag.updated is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing a pull request body

Whenever the body of en existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is edited, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.initial_comment.edited is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Creating a pull request

Whenever a pull request is made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Rebasing a pull request

Whenever a pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is rebased, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.rebased is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Reopening a pull request

Whenever a closed pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is reopened, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.reopened is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Adding a tag on a pull request

Whenever a tag is added to an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.tag.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Removing a tag on a pull request

Whenever a tag is removed from an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.tag.removed is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Updating a pull request

Whenever an existing pull request made against a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git is updated, the message of schema topic pagure.pull-request.updated is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.


The messages in this category do not follow any any certain topic name pattern.

Adding a commit flag

Whenever a commit flag is added in a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.commit.flag.added is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Updating a commit flag

Whenever a commit flag is updated in a project on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic pagure.commit.flag.updated is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Editing a group

Whenever the edits to a group are saved on either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git, the message of schema topic is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class definition can be found here.

Sending a test notification

For debugging purposes, a test notification can be sent over with the schema topic pagure.Test.notification is created on the Fedora Messaging bus. The class can be found here.

Changes proposed

In order to switch out Pagure Dist Git for an alternative that provides a relatively compatible API pattern, the following changes must be made in the placed mentioned below.


  • The base class for all the topic classes PagureMessage has two member variables storing information about the URL of the production (in __link__) and staging (in __stg_link__) deployments of either Pagure or Pagure Dist Git. This needs to be changed in accordance with the newer replacement planned. The class definition can be found here.

  • The variable SCHEMA_URL currently leads to the page which does not exist. This needs to be changed to point to the correct URL.

  • There are multiple variables that contain the API schema for Pagure and Pagure Dist Git, like TagColored, BOARD, BOARD_STATUS, BOARD_ISSUE, USER, GIT_RECEIVE_USER, PAGURE_LOG, MILESTONES, PRIORITIES, BASE_PROJECT, PROJECT, RELATED_PR, ISSUE, PULL_REQUEST, COMMIT_FLAG and GROUP that must undergo changes to store the API schemas for the replacement platform.

  • The schema project called pagure-messages need to be changed as well to accommodate the JSON schema for the API of the alternative and hence, publish messages accordingly.


  • The message classes themselves and the way they operate could, more or less, stay the same as the way the messages are being sent to the Fedora Messaging bus would remain the same.