Current users of PDC ==================== release engineering - releng scripts ------------------------------------ Repository: Retired packages - scripts/ - /rest_api/v1/component-branches/?name={1}&type={2}&active=false&page_size=100' - {1} - branch name, i.e. rawhide - {2} - type, i.e. rpm Package unretirement - scripts/ -{args.pck}&name={args.brc}&type={args.nms[:-1]} Package retirement - scripts/fedretire - results = pdc.get_paged(pdc['component-branches'], global_component=name, name=branch, type=NAMESPACES[namespace]) - uses fedpkg for actual retirement Critical path - scripts/get-critpath - ``pdc.get_paged(endpoint, critical_path=True, **kwargs)`` Mass rebuild modules - /rest_api/v1/component-branch-slas/?page_size=100&branch_type=module&branch_active=1' fedpkg ------ Repository: get_release_branches - fedpkg/ - query_args = {'fields': ['short', 'version'], 'active': True} - endpoint = 'product-versions' get_stream_branches - fedpkg/ - query_args = {'global_component': package_name,'fields': ['name', 'active']} - endpoint = 'component-branches' query_pdc - fedpkg/ - uses requests pungi ----- According to "Pungi used to integrate with PDC in the past, but this support has been deprecated and dropped." fedoraqa - fedfind ------------------ Repository: pdc_query - /home/asaleh/work/fedfind/fedfind/ - light rest client with caching Pungi4Release.metadata - fedfind/ - pdc_query('compose-images/{}'.format(self._pdccid)) Pungi4Release.previous_release - fedfind/ - pdc_query('releases', {'version': self.release, 'name': self.dist}) Pungi4Release.get_package_nevras_pdc - fedfind/ - pdc_query('rpms', [('compose', self.cid), ('arch', 'src')]) Bodhi ----- Repository: pdc_api_get - simple wrapped-requests-library api client - /home/asaleh/work/bodhi/bodhi/server/ get_critpath_components_from_pdc - /home/asaleh/work/bodhi/bodhi/server/ fedscm-admin ------------ We have dropped fedscm-admin in favor of toddlers. The endpoints used by it should be the same since it solves the same problem. Repository: fedscm_admin/ - get_global_component - new_global_component - get_branch - new_branch - get_sla - new_sla_to_branch pagure ------ - /rest_api/v1/component-branches/ - to get retired packages modulebuildservice ------------------ As of Fedora 39 we are dropping modules support. With Fedora 38 EOL we will drop MBS. - /rest_api/v1/component-branches/ - to get end-of-life packages - based on ansible roles/mbs/common/files/fedora.json.productbion mirrormanager scripts --------------------- - /rest_api/v1/releases/ - checks for currently active releases - roles/mirrormanager/backend/templates/ - roles/mirrormanager/crawler/files/ ODCS ---- no longer uses pdc new hotness ----------- - /rest_api/v1/component-branches/ - to get retired packages fedora messaging ---------------- - no integrations found osbs client ----------- - no integrations found